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Police Involvement in the Death of Afif Maulana in Padang

Monday, July 1, 2024

Thirteen-year-old Afif Maulana was found dead under a bridge in Padang, West Sumatra. He had allegedly been tortured by the police.

arsip tempo : 172035792970.

The family of AM, a 13-year-old boy found dead under the Kuranji Bridge, along with the Padang LBH, hold a protest in front of the West Sumatra Police Headquarters in Padang, demanding the police to solve the case of the death of AM, June 26. TEMPO/Fachri Hamzah . tempo : 172035792970.

AFRINALDI was shocked as he bathed the body of his 13-year-old son, Afif Maulana, on Monday afternoon, June 10. He noticed many bruises on his eldest son’s body. There were bruises on his back, waist, arms and all over his body. “There were also bruise marks on his abdomen, resembling the sole of a large shoe,” said the 36-year-old to Tempo on Monday, June 24. The traces of these bruises can also be seen in several photos o


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Fachri Hamzah (Padang), M. Faiz Zaki, Amelia Rahima Sari contributed to this report. 

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