Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Karaoke Centers Flourishing in Sidoarjo
I was so pleased when I heard that the mayor of Surabaya was closing Dolly, the largest prostitution center in Southeast Asia. I followed the developments from the idea to close Dolly until it was truly closed down, including the acts of resistance from a group of people and sex workers.
Karaoke Centers Flourishing in Sidoarjo
I was so pleased when I heard that the mayor of Surabaya was closing Dolly, the largest prostitution center in Southeast Asia. I followed the developments from the idea to close Dolly until it was truly closed down, including the acts of resistance from a group of people and sex workers.
But now I'm frightened. After Dolly's closure, it turns out the sex workers have not given up looking for work. Now they
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