Prince from Java
Tuesday, May 2, 2006
In Indonesia, Sosrokartono built a school and a library. He also opened Darussalam Clinic in Bandung. Tempo traces the footsteps of the intellectual-cum-spiritualist through the people who rubbed shoulders with him as well as from his various books, including the letters of Kartini and his other younger siblings, and from his speech which is still kept in Leiden.
THE black and white postcard-sized photograph is still kept by her. In it, Kartini Pudjiarto was 8 years old, with her mother RA Siti Hadiwati and her grandfather PAA Sosro Boesono together with RM Panji Sosrokartono at the Darussalam Clinic on Jalan Pungkur 7, Bandung, which belonged to Sosrokartono.
Sosrokartono (1877-1952) was Boesonos younger brother. Both were the elder brothers of RA Kartini, the heroine of womens emancipation who on every A
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