Yus Badudu
The Teacher of Indonesian Language Teachers
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Suharto's New Order regime was often offended by Badudu's criticism of officials who could not speak Indonesian properly. His expertise and popularity regarding Indonesian went even beyond that of the Language Center institution. In the past, it was not unusual to hear language teachers say: "According to Yus Badudu"
Today, at the age of 87, Yus lives a quiet life in Bandung. After suffering two strokes, this man whom language expert Anton M. Moeliono called "the teacher of language teachers" does not say much. He has been overlooked and underappreciated by today's public. Tempo met with Yus.
arsip tempo : 174244575368.

Sunlight bathed the hills of Dago, Bandung, on a Sunday in early July, two days before the start of Ramadan. At a spacious home with a yard about as big as two basketball courts and a tall lychee tree, located at Jalan Bukit Dago Selatan No. 27 in the housing complex for lecturers of the Padjadjaran University, Jusuf Sjarif Badudu was seen enjoying his old age together with his wife, one of his nine children and two of his grandchildren.
The home
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