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A Forbidden Meeting at the Rectorate Building

Monday, May 17, 2021

The ministry of education, culture, research and technology found new evidence about the alleged plagiarism that dragged Semarang State University Rector Fathur Rokhman. Passing the hot potato to Gadjah Mada University.

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Semarang State University Rector Fathur Rokhman during the university’s 54th anniversary event at the Prof. Wuryanto Building, March 2019. Central Java PR . tempo : 172206110140.

A CALL from Imam Budi Utomo, Head of the Yogyakarta Special Region Language Center, surprised Sudaryanto on Tuesday, February 9. That morning Imam informed Sudaryanto that auditors from the inspectorate-general of the ministry of education, culture, research and technology would visit his house. From the other end of the phone, Imam informed Sudaryanto that the team was investigating the alleged dissertation plagiarism case of Semarang State Univ


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