Indonesia’s ethnic and religious groups are often at odds, with tension brewing among them and even violent conflicts. But community groups have stepped forward to offer peace. The Women’s Legal Aid Institute (LBH-APIK) in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) and the Circle of Imagine Society (CIS) in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), with the help of Oxfam Indonesia, are working with youths from different faiths and ethnic backgrounds to put an end to discrimination and radicalism among religious groups and communities.
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Last month, these youths gathered to celebrate diversity at the Youth for Change Conference held in Mataram, NTB. Tempo English reports.
An ‘Acapella’ of Diversity
A youth community in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) is promoting diversity and fighting discrimination through social media, discussions and education programs.
FOR a long time, Pachrurrozi saw ‘truth’ as monolithic: Islam and all that is found in its holy book. Unsurprisingly,
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