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There is No Benefit in Being Famous

Monday, August 9, 2021

Indonesian researcher Carina Citra Dewi Joe is involved in the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine research team. She is on the list of patent holders due to her involvement in developing the method for producing mass quantities of the vaccine.

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Carina Citra Dewi Joe, in CCMP Lab, Oxford, United Kingdom. Carina involves in the manufacturing research of AstraZeneca vaccine and her name is recorded in the patent holder list, as she involves in developing a production method in large quantity. Personal Doc. . tempo : 172206567319.

IN between her works at a vaccine research institution, the Jenner Institute, University of Oxford, England, Carina Citra Dewi Joe is monitoring the Covid-19 pandemic situation in Indonesia. The student in the post-doctoral biotechnology program also keeps up the news with her parents via WhatsApp. She often reminds them to follow health protocols such as wearing masks and avoiding crowds. “Just follow the government regulations,” was


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