Tuesday, July 1, 2014
How can one pass judgment, when there is no one left who has not sinned? When the measurement of what is and what is not sin trades places? When the dirty and the pure become sheer possibility-and increasingly, people do not know what will happen with history?
We have witnessed-yes, we have gone through-murder both big and small. We keep on wrestling with what stance we should take. Secretly, we hope that eventually history will bring us to a decision acceptable to all, for all times.
How can one pass judgment, when there is no one left who has not sinned? When the measurement of what is and what is not sin trades places? When the dirty and the pure become sheer possibility-and increasingly, people do not know what will happen with history?
We have witnessed-yes, we have gone through-murder both big and small. We keep on wrestling with what stance we should take. Secretly, we hope that eventually history will bring us to a de
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