Tuesday, April 14, 2015
How exhausting politics is. Particularly for those unable to endure in antagonism. Towards evening on April 5, 1794 in Paris, a revolutionary leader who had lost the struggle was dragged off to the guillotine. On the way to his beheading, he said, "Oh, it were better to be a poor fisherman than to meddle with the government of men."
How exhausting politics is. Particularly for those unable to endure in antagonism. Towards evening on April 5, 1794 in Paris, a revolutionary leader who had lost the struggle was dragged off to the guillotine. On the way to his beheading, he said, "Oh, it were better to be a poor fisherman than to meddle with the government of men."
Danton, aged 34, died exhausted with politics. He had been active since his youth, and developed from a young lawyer i
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