The Forgotten Pasanggrahan
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Splitting through green fields, the country road, measuring about five meters in width, ends at the convergence of the Cimanuk and Cilutung rivers. In the middle of the rivers-part of the Babakan Anyar village, Kadipaten, Majalengka-dozens of miners are busy loading their boats with sand to be transported west by trucks waiting near the river bank.
Splitting through green fields, the country road, measuring about five meters in width, ends at the convergence of the Cimanuk and Cilutung rivers. In the middle of the rivers-part of the Babakan Anyar village, Kadipaten, Majalengka-dozens of miners are busy loading their boats with sand to be transported west by trucks waiting near the river bank.
Apart from the sand mining, the scene was desolate. "This place used to be a bustling ferry port," r
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