Tuesday, December 28, 2004
IN a matter of days the year 2004 will come to an end, leaving behind a host of events, of historical moments for posterity to remember. Tempo will record these moments in time, in particular those associated with events that have contributed significantly to the development of democracy in Indonesia and represent breakthroughs in many areas in the life of the nation. Behind each and every one of these moments are etched faces of people, the famous, the not-so-famous, and the ordinary citizens who have one thing in common: to rise to the occasions and serve the greater interests of the nation. These are Tempo’s Men and Women of the Year. You will find them on the pages of this special issue dedicated to the year which will soon pass into history.
EACH year has its unique adventures. Successes and failures follow one after the other, dynamos to changes. Here in this country, however, for quite some time now there have not been any dialectics that are truly pushing progress. Basic issues are discussed but never realized. And then, dead end. Or anachronistic. Once again, digesting yesterday’s news.
Iwan Simatupang in 1953 uttered a sentence which still feels relevant today. It goes like
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