Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Jennifer Lindsay*
My first grandchild was born a few weeks ago. I just wrote that opening sentence without showing gender. I used the word 'grandchild', but in English it is impossible to go very far without revealing gender. We have to say 'he or she'.
Our gender is marked immediately upon birth. At the hospital, the first identifying feature of my grandchild was 'female'. Before any name: 'female of' was written on the band on her ankle, and then her mother's name.
Jennifer Lindsay*
My first grandchild was born a few weeks ago. I just wrote that opening sentence without showing gender. I used the word 'grandchild', but in English it is impossible to go very far without revealing gender. We have to say 'he or she'.
Our gender is marked immediately upon birth. At the hospital, the first identifying feature of my grandchild was 'female'. Before any name: 'female of' was written on the band on her ankle, and then her mot
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