Jamaah Islamiyah’s New Look
Jamaah Islamiyah infiltrates mass organizations and political parties. Choosing to halt their terror acts, the terror organization is now focused on fundraising to prepare for jihad. They also manage to penetrate into various government institutions, including the military and the police.
Agung Sedayu
November 29, 2021

IT was still dark when 10 members of the National Police Densus 88 counter-terrorism squad approached Ahmad Zain An-Najah, who was walking toward his house in Pondok Melati Indah, Bekasi, West Java, early Tuesday morning on November 16. Densus 88 members swiftly apprehended the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Fatwa (Edict) Commission member, who allegedly belongs to Jamaah Islamiyah (JI).
That morning Ahmad Zain could not go home after he finishe