Decreasing the Dominance of Bank Syariah Indonesia

Muhammadiyah’s fund transfer could trigger an equalization of the scale of business of sharia banks. Bank Syariah Indonesia has been too dominant over the sharia banking industry.

Ghoida Rahmah

June 17, 2024

BANK Muamalat Indonesia had a major stroke of luck. The Central Executive Board of Muhammadiyah (PP Muhammadiyah) asked the bank to accommodate their funds transferred from Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI). “Muhammadiyah is a long-time customer of Bank Muamalat that now wants to increase its deposits,” said Bank Muamalat Commissioner, Andre Mirza Hartawan, to Tempo, Wednesday, June 12.

The surprise fund for Bank Muamalat was the result o


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