PNM Supports Badminton Journalist Competition 2022
It is not only a sports tournament, but also a friendship forum between BUMN personnels and journalists. #InfoTempo
August 22, 2022

PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (PNM) supports sports activities that involve synergies between BUMN personnels and journalists. One of them is the Badminton Journalist Competition 2022. A match between 32 men's doubles teams with a knockout system was held in the Kuningan area, Jakarta on Saturday, August 20, 2022. It was attended by journalists and BUMN personnels.
“Badminton is one of the most popular sports in the community, especially since Indonesian athletes often bring home trophies at world events. Who knows, with PNM's support at this event, other badminton athletes will emerge and contribute to the nation," said PNM Corporate Secretary, Lalu Dodot Patria Ary.
The Badminton Journalist Competition, said Dodot, is not only a sports tournament, but also a friendship forum between BUMN personnels and journalists as well as the embryos to capture talents outside of working skills. He also hopes that the activities in the framework of the 77th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia can be carried out regularly every year with more varied sports but still prioritize synergy among participants.
Besides bringing closer the relationship between PNM personnels and journalists, it is hoped that the two can collaborate in creating journalistic works that are beneficial to the community, especially ultra-micro business actors. "I believe that if this collaboration is actively carried out, it will be very beneficial for people's economic growth in Indonesia," he said.
PNM has disbursed financing of Rp136.52 trillion to PNM Mekaar customers, totaling 12.5 million customers as of August 23, 2022. Currently, PNM has 3,500 PNM Mekaar service offices and 624 PNM ULaMM service offices throughout Indonesia serving MSMEs in 34 provinces. , 443 regencies/cities, and 5,640 subdistricts. (*)