The Conspiracy

Thanks to Muhammad Nazaruddin's effective lobbying of legislators and government officials, the project to produce bird flu vaccine was added to the 2008 Amended National Budget. Through the Health Ministry, hundreds of billions of rupiah flowed to the state-owned Bio Farma company. In return, Anugerah Nusantara, a company owned by Nazaruddin, was awarded the procurement of the project's goods and services. A Tempo team investigated the conspiracy, which from the outset was designed to defraud the state of Rp450 billion, according to the BPK (Supreme Audit Board).

July 16, 2013

The meeting room at the Health Ministry was crowded on that afternoon of June 12, 2008. In addition to Bureau Chief Mardiono and some of his staff members, a representative of the Directorate General for Di-sease Control and Environmental Health was present. Also in attendance were directors of Bio Farma, namely Iskandar, who at the time was director of planning and development, production director Mahendra Suhardono, finance director Muhammad So


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