Hari Sabarno:"Ours is not a federal state"

He is known as a calm and polite figure. His comments are never sensational or controversial. When he speaks, a smile always lights up his face. His grooming is always immaculate. His hair is worn short and neatly combed back. His name is Army Lieutenant General Hari Sabarno.

August 28, 2001

President Megawati Sukarnoputri has appointed Hari, who was born 12 August 1944 in Solo, Central Java, as the Minister of Home Affairs in the Gotong Royong Cabinet, replacing his superior Surjadi Soedirja. This appointment came as something of a special 57th birthday present.

Hari Sabarno started his political career through the military, where he had charted a rise to the top that was straight and undeviating. Graduating from the militar


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