He is the managing editor of Majalah Tempo’s science and environment desk and actively engages in global financial and taxation investigative collaborations.

Peat Catastrophes: Floods and Fires
Flooding worsens as the rainy season subsides, while the threat of forest and land fires looms with the arrival of the dry season.
Environment Edisi : Monday, March 17, 2025

Luhut’s Footsteps in North Sumatra Estate Expansion
The North Sumatra food estate project will be expanded through the establishment of an authority agency. There is a strong indication of a conflict of interest.
Environment Edisi : Monday, January 13, 2025

The Elusive PLN Holding
The government is preparing to form a holding and sub-holdings for PLN. But the plan is yet unclear.
Economy Edisi : Monday, January 31, 2022

Peatland Fires are Patterned and Massive
Chief of Peatland Restoration Agency Nazir Foead