Bergabung dengan Tempo sejak 2015 dan kini bertugas di Desk Jeda. Ia sehari-hari melakukan peliputan yang berkaitan dengan tren gaya hidup, kesehatan, dan hobi.
Success Stories of Rohingya Refugees
Several Rohingya refugees successfully built their careers in various fields. They continued to work and raised awareness about the plight of displaced Rohingya refugees.
Asean & Beyond Edisi : Monday, October 21, 2024
M.H. Thamrin’s Resistance from within the Volksraad
M.H. Thamrin was not the type of council member who would simply show up, sit down, remain silent, and collect a paycheck. The Tiger of Volksraad was highly militant and vocal in championing the people’s interests. His roar resonated as far as Europe and America.
Special Report Edisi : Monday, August 19, 2024
The Growing Independent Umrah in Saudi Arabia
There is growing interest in independently organized minor haj pilgrimage on a backpacker’s budget. Self organizing minor pilgrimage can help lower costs and keep a flexible schedule.
Economy Edisi : Thursday, April 4, 2024
Supporting People with Disabilities Pursue Professional Careers
A group of people has taken the initiative to create programs to support people with disabilities in the workforce. Some provide advocacy while others connect workers with potential employers.
Interlude Edisi : Monday, December 12, 2022
Challenges for People with Disabilities at Workplaces
Many people with disabilities have trouble finding work. And those at work must face various hardships. Job opportunities for them at companies and government institutions still fall short.