Nurdin Kalim is the Majalah Tempo main editor of art, film, music, and intermezzo. He is the member of a literature curator team at Koran Tempo. The Brawijaya University graduate joined Tempo in 2001.
The Eagle That Never Forget Its Way Home
Azyumardi Azra was a multidimensional individual. He was an intellectual, an educator, an activist and a journalist.
In Memoriam Edisi : Monday, September 26, 2022
The Stories of The Pik Sin, Edi Londo, and Sylvia Saartje’s Families
Tempo compiled the tales of those who chose different migration paths. From one Chinese Indonesian family who went to the Netherlands and remained there, an Indo-European family who refused to leave, to a former KNIL soldier who left for the Netherlands and decided to return to Indonesia.
Interlude Edisi : Monday, March 14, 2022
Protectors of Peatlands
Residents of Muara Siran in Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan, continue their efforts to protect the environment. They are developing the village’s economic potential while preserving the environment.
Outreach Edisi : Monday, February 21, 2022
The (Literary) Arts in the New Reality
The pandemic brought changes to the arts in Indonesia in 2020. Many art events had to be delayed or even cancelled. Slowly, artists have bounced back. They began adapting the pandemic, refusing to be kept down. Despite the limitations imposed by the situation, artists have continued to put forward their best work—in part by utilizing digital technology as their medium. This new phenomena, which has impacted the world of arts, was taken into consideration when selecting and discussing the nominees before making decisions about Tempo’s choice for outstanding artists and artworks for 2020.
Art & Culture Edisi : Monday, January 11, 2021
Gems from Java
Batik was popular in the Netherlands in the mid 19th century. It gave birth to the classical Haarlem and Vlisco batik.