Bergabung dengan Tempo sejak 2005 setelah lulus dari Hubungan Internasional FISIP UI. Saat ini memimpin desk Urban di Koran Tempo. Salah satu tulisan editorialnya di Koran Tempo meraih PWI Jaya Award 2019. Menikmati PlayStation di waktu senggang.

M.H. Thamrin, the True Representative of the People
Born into a wealthy family, Mohammad Hoesni Thamrin became the lion of the City Council. A freedom fighter who fought for the weak.
Special Report Edisi : Monday, August 19, 2024

Protecting Forest with the People
The Sunda Hejo Farming Association turns deforested land into a coffee plantation. This is a model for social forestry.
Opinion Edisi : Monday, September 6, 2021

Pioneers of Repentant
Celebrities “returning” to Islam is not a new phenomenon. The first wave of repentant celebrities were eyed with suspicion by the government and associated with a banned group.
Cover Story Edisi : Thursday, May 23, 2019

Don’t Demonize Corporations
Agrarian and Spatial Planning Minister/Head of National Land Agency Sofyan Djalil/Tempo/Ratih Purnama