Lulus dari Jurusan Ilmu Hubungan Internasional UPN Yogyakarta. Menjadi Koresponden Tempo untuk wilayah Yogyakarta sejak 2014. Meminati isu gender, keberagaman, kelompok minoritas, dan hak asasi manusia

Haedar Nashir of Muhammadiyah: God Willing, Muhammadiyah is Already Satisfied
Muhammadiyah follows Nahdlatul Ulama’s step to accept mining concession offer from the government. Muhammadiyah General Chair Haedar Nashir explains about it.
Economy Edisi : Monday, August 5, 2024

Busyro Muqoddas of Muhammadiyah: We Have Studies Rejecting Mining
Muhammadiyah accepts the government’s mining concession offer. Many members are against it. Busyro Muqoddas, Chair of Muhammadiyah’s Law and Human Rights Council explains.
Economy Edisi : Monday, August 5, 2024

Silas Papare's Trauma Being Arrested by Soldiers
Silas Papare was close to Sukarno. He refused to participate in the 1969 referendum because he was once arrested by the military.
Special Report Edisi : Monday, August 14, 2023

The Monkeypox Attack
Monkeypox spreads quickly. The government is urged to move quickly to tighten and keep an eye on travel and animal trade.
Science & Technology Edisi : Monday, August 29, 2022

With Love, from Disabled Artists
Yogyakarta held the International Disability Arts Biennale 2021 exhibition. It provides a space for artistic expression and appreciation for disabled artists.
Arts Edisi : Monday, November 1, 2021

Violence in Papua at Biennale Jogja
The Biennale Jogja is once again underway. This time the fine arts exhibition provided more space for artists from eastern Indonesia.