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Chair of the Muhammadiyah Central Executive Board (PP Muhammadiyah), Haedar Nashir, at the PP Muhammadiyah Office in Yogyakarta, May 2023.
TEMPO/Shinta Maharani
Busyro Muqoddas at Tempo Building, Jakarta, in January.
TEMPO/M Taufan Rengganis
Silas Papare in Beijing, China, in 1950s. 
Silas Papare Family Doc.
A test tube labelled “Monkeypox virus positive” is seen in this illustration taken May 23.
REUTERS/Dado Ruvic/Illustration/File Photo
A visitor looks at the paintings at the Jogja International Disability Arts Biennale exhibition in RJ Katamsi Gallery at the Indonesian Institute of the Arts, Bantul, Yogyakarta, October 28.
Tempo/Shinta Maharani
A mural entitled Terbungkam by Yanto Gombo, a member of the Papuan artist group Udeido, is displayed at the Jogja National Museum in the art exhibition Biennale Jogja XVI Equator #6 2021, October 15.
Tempo/Shinta Maharani

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