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Illustration: Tempo/Alvin Siregar
Ilustration: Alvin Siregar
Ilustration: Alvin Siregar
Ilustration: Alvin Siregar
Ilustration: Indra Fauzi
Ilustrasi: Alvin Siregar
Ilustration: TEMPO/Alvin Siregar
The Declining Trade Surplus Endangers External Economic Stability
Rice and Food Inflation Pose Increasing Threats. Ilustrasi/Alvin Siregar
Prabowo’s New Approach on Economic Policies is, at Least, Unrealistic. Ilustration/Indra Fauzi
Prabowo, Please Learn from Egypt’s Trouble. Ilustration/Gatot Pandego
DPR’s Right of Inquiry Could Affect Indonesia’s Financial Market. Ilustration TEMPO/Gatot Pandego
Indonesia's Long and Winding Lame Duck Period. Ilustration TEMPO/Gatot Pandego
Ilustration TEMPO/Imam Yunianto
Jakarta Financial Market Grapples with Bleak Sentiment. Ilustration/TEMPO/Imam Yunianto
The Danger of Social Assistance with a Strong Political Flavor. Ilustration TEMPO/Imam Yunianto
Our Next Finance Minister is Paramount to Our Survival. Ilustration TEMPO/Imam Yunianto
Challenging the Federal Reserve: A Market in Flux. Ilustration TEMPO/Imam Yunianto
Exuberant in 2023: Stock Market’s Grand Wager. Ilustration TEMPO/Imam Yunianto
Indonesia's Economic Challenges in the Elections Year

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