In Memoriam: Emerald of the Equator
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Carbon trading is one of many efforts to save the earth from the threat of global warming. Carbon must be kept in the bowels of the earth, so it does not escape into the air, increasing the temperature and melting the polar icecaps.
At the conference, Indonesia plans to propose a scheme aimed at reducing carbon emissions from deforestation and degradation of her forests known by its acronym, REDD. This is a type of incentive for each hectare of carbon-saving in the forests and peatlands. Yet, what can Indonesia really offer when chainsaws are still cutting down trees everywhere? How much of our forests remain? Tempo reports from the heart of the jungles in Riau, Kalimantan and Papua.
VISCOUS and black. Hot steam is released when pressure is applied to it, heating up the surrounding air. This is a piece of peatland, which covers 14,000 hectares of Kuala Cenaku at Indragiri Hulu regency. The area is currently being transformed into an oil palm plantation-adding to the size of the same area in the middle of Riau's jungles.
There is no longer green scenery on the land. Four months ago, the area was burnt down after all the trees o
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