Maritim Timur Jaya lawyer, Desrizal:
Really? You Want to SearchArtha Graha?
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Saying that he was out of the country, Tomy Winata replied to an interview request by text message on Wednesday last week. Tomy said everything related to the Tual case was being handled by the communications director of Maritim Timur Jaya and its legal team. Tempo interviewed Maritim lawyer Desrizal, who was accompanied by six Artha Graha employees, in a private room at the Batik Kuring restaurant in the Sudirman Central Business District in Jakarta last week.
Why did Maritim take issue with the police search?
The police did not inform us they wanted to search the premises. They showed a search warrant for a preliminary investigation of a number of cases, involving corruption, cybercrime and human trafficking. Narcotics were mentioned as well. The letter was signed by Budi Waseso. A preliminary investigation is supposed to be limited. You cannot arrest or question people just like that. It was only later that we found out the investigation order was for cases on corruption related to the administration of visas on arrival.
Saying that he was out of the country, Tomy Winata replied to an interview request by text message on Wednesday last week. Tomy said everything related to the Tual case was being handled by the communications director of Maritim Timur Jaya and its legal team. Tempo interviewed Maritim lawyer Desrizal, who was accompanied by six Artha Graha employees, in a private room at the Batik Kuring restaurant in the Sudirman Central Business District in Jak
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