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Another Budi in Budiman’s Project

Monday, April 19, 2021

Budi Handoko was behind the development of the Cikidang Plantation Resort area, Algorithm Hill’s potential project location. His track record in East Kalimantan is not unblemished.

arsip tempo : 172205256113.

Buildings in the Cikidang Plantation Resort area which is the prospective site for the Algorithm Hill project in Cikidang, Sukabumi, West Java, April 14. Tempo/MA. Murtadho . tempo : 172205256113.

CIKIDANG Plantation Resort’s neglected villas were holiday homes for prior investors. Besides developing a tourism site, Bintangraya Lokalestari once opened opportunities to invest in the land now known as the Bukit Algoritma, or Algorithm Hill.

When Bintangraya made the plantation in 2008, the company offered every investor who invested Rp150 million a holiday home with several hectares of oil palm plantation. The investment already inclu


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