The Iqro Breathing Therapy
Monday, May 17, 2021
The Sleman Narcotics Correctional Facility in Yogyakarta is taking on religious programs. Military training is part of the package.
arsip tempo : 174185171998.

WEARING the Muslim attire referred to as baju koko and white caps, 170 inmates gathered at the al-Taubah Mosque, Sleman Class IIA Narcotics Correctional Facility, Yogyakarta, May 6, at 10am. Inmates-slash-students at the At-Tawwabin Islamic School listened as the school’s instructor, Ustad Catur Andriyana, delivered his sermon.
That morning, Catur, 37 years old, discussed al-Mawaidz by Imam Ghozali, which teaches human beings to accept the
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