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Divisive Declaration

Monday, January 30, 2023

Surya Paloh and Jokowi’s relationship took a hit following the declaration of Anies Baswedan as a presidential candidate by NasDem. Cabinet ministers from the party may be facing a reshuffle.

arsip tempo : 172205337993.

President Joko Widodo, accompanied by NasDem Party chairman Surya Paloh, inspects the party’s cadres participating in the National Defense Academy (ABN) in Jakarta, July 16, 2018. TEMPO/Subekti/File Photo . tempo : 172205337993.

AMID news of Surya Paloh and Joko Widodo’s souring relationship, Luhut Pandjaitan met with the National Democrat (NasDem) Party general chairman at a hotel in London, England, on Tuesday, December 13, 2022. The two men discussed Indonesian politics over tea and bread.

NasDem Board of Experts Deputy Chairman, Peter Gontha, who was present at their meeting, uploaded a photo of Surya and Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investme


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