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Impacts of Better Internet Connection

Monday, May 20, 2024

Last year, Starlink reached government offices, community health clinics, and households in Papua. The company offers fast and stable connection.

arsip tempo : 171986569752.

Installation of Starlink devices at the office of the General Election Supervisory Agency of Yahukimo Regency, Papua, February 10. Photo Courtesy of David Sobolim . tempo : 171986569752.

THE Community Health Center in Dekai, the capital of Yahukimo Regency, Papua Highlands Province, is now more advanced. The Starlink Internet connection, available since November 2023, enables the health clinic to provide various online services.

For example, reporting patient data to the Health Care and Social Security Agency (BPJS) and tracking diseases for early detection of potential outbreaks, which require an Internet connection, are now mo


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