PNM Organizes Quality-Education SDGs Webinar for MSMEs

Monday, August 1, 2022

PNM is committed to improving the capabilities and quality of its customers so they can grow and move forwards. #Infotempo

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Webinar Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Quality Education for 30.000 PNM Mekaar Customer.. tempo : 174201491544.

Through the Business Capacity Development (PKU) program, PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (PNM) held a webinar with the theme "Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for Quality Education" on Wednesday, August 3, 2022.

The webinar, which was attended by 30,000 PNM Mekaar customers from Sulawesi, Central Java, DIY, East Java, NTB, NTT, and Bali, aims to encourage and improve the quality of MSME products to upgrade their level and become stronger. The event presented a number of speakers, one of which was the Minister of SOEs (BUMN), Erick Thohir, who emphasized the importance of women's role and their ceaseless learning to develop themselves.

Meanwhile, PNM Independent Commissioner, Veronica Colondam, said that education for PNM Mekaar customers and AO is very important because it can support the achievement of SDGs goals in Indonesia. As one of the ultra-micro holdings formed by the government to empower MSMEs, PNM is committed to improving the capabilities and quality of its customers so they can grow and move forwards. "I hope that (MSMEs) will always implement the SDGs knowledge and continue to improve their efforts so that they can upgrade their level," said Veronica.

This webinar is also an empowerment program through 3 PNM Capitals (financial, intellectual, and social). Financial capital is a communal business capital program without loan guarantees which has an insured system. Intellectual capital is a PKU program that conducts training for customers’ development so that they can upgrade their level and become independent.

Meanwhile, social capital is a training program for customers so that they can interact and exchange economic business in one ecosystem, with the aim of encouraging customers to be able to empower the surrounding community.

As of August 3, 2022, PNM has disbursed financing of Rp 131.80 trillion to 12.31 million PNM Mekaar customers. PNM has 3,500 PNM Mekaar service offices and 688 PNM ULaMM service offices throughout Indonesia. (*)

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