Farel Prayoga's Mother to Develop a Joint Venture with PNM Mekaar

Monday, September 5, 2022

In addition to selling kinang, Siti, Farel, and her husband are busking around. #InfoTempo

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One of the customers of PNM Mekaar, Mrs. Siti Mujayanah, who is currently a grocery shop entrepreneur from Kepundungan Village, Srono District, Banyuwangi.. tempo : 174197030488.

Siti Mujayanah, the mother of Farel Prayoga, has succeeded in developing her business with PNM Mekaar. Siti started her business by selling kinangKinang, consisting of a betel leaf, gambier, lime, and tobacco, is a traditional herb that is chewed and not swallowed. After chewing, the connoisseurs, usually housewives, then rub the tobacco and kanthil flowers on their teeth. Now, her business has grown into a traditional market stall (locally known as toko kelontong).

“Building a business from the ground up is not easy. But with determination and strong effort, we can achieve what we want. My family and I express my deepest gratitude to PNM for assisting us,” said Siti.

Siti is a PNM Mekaar customer who is currently a toko kelontong owner from Kepundungan Village, Srono District, Banyuwangi. Before working in the business, Siti used to sell kinang. In addition to selling kinang, Siti, Farel, and her husband have been singing and playing music around Banyuwangi since Farel was in the 2nd grade of elementary school.

Siti was then introduced to PNM Mekaar by her neighbour and, with a capital of 2 million rupiahs, decided to join. She then started selling kinangKinang chewing, or more familiarly known as betel leaf chewing, is one of the traditions that were often carried out by Indonesians. Unfortunately, as the start of the globalization era and the development of a more modern era, the tradition has begun to fade.

The increase in capital provided by PNM Mekaar and all the facilities provided allowed her to develop her business to be bigger than just selling kinang, starting from being able to spend more on business to add facilities that support her business. Now her business has developed into a toko kelontong that provides daily necessities.

PNM has disbursed financing amounting to Rp138.98 trillion to PNM Mekaar customers, totaling 12.6 million customers as of September 5. Currently, PNM has 3,500 PNM Mekaar service offices and 624 PNM ULaMM service offices throughout Indonesia, serving MSMEs in 34 provinces, 443 regencies/cities, and 5,640 districts.

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