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PNM Fosters Women-owned Bee Farms in Purwokerto

Monday, September 26, 2022

The training was given to PNM Mekaar customers in the Purwokerto area with a total of 50 participants. #Infotempo

arsip tempo : 174141960640.

Training on Capacity Building for Sectoral Clustering of Honey Bee Cultivation, Thursday, 22 September 2022.. tempo : 174141960640.

PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (PNM) is getting more active in collaborating with several universities in Indonesia to support the advancement of MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises), one of those is University of Jenderal Sudirman (Unsoed).

Unsoed has the potential spreading map of the klanceng bees that disperse across in the district of Banyumas, Pageraji, Langgongsari, Pagelarang, Kemrajen, Pajerukan, Kalibagor, and Limpakuwus. Apparently, there are many PNM Mekaar customers live in those areas.

PNM empowers and provides assistance (training) through the Business Capacity Development (PKU) program which is given to PNM Mekaar customers in Purwokerto with a total of 50 participants consisting of Mekaar Unit Cilongok 2. The training was held at the Pageraji Village Hall, Cilongok District of Banyumas Regency in Purwokerto, on Thursday, September 22, 2022.

This activity was an empowerment program designed through the PKU program known as “Sectoral Clustering”, which is a training in klanceng honey beekeeping sector. The provided training was in the form of socialization related to strategies and optimization of the cultivation and marketing of klanceng bees, the importance of packaging, labelling, and branding to support the marketing of klanceng bee products.

The event was attended by the representatives of stakeholders, namely Sunar Basuki as the Director of Operations of PT PNM, Prof. Dr. Rer. Nat. Imam Widhiono M.Z., M.S. as the Professor of the Faculty of Biology at University of Jenderal Soedirman, Rohmat Agus Pranoto as the Leader of PNM Puwokerto Branch, Azis Junaidi as the Head of PNM Yogyakarta Branch, Agus T. as the Leader of PNM Magelang Branch, Yosua Mawantyo Nugroho as the Leader of PNM Banjarnegara Branch, and Raihan Cahyono as the Community Team of Inyong Madu Klanceng Beekeepers.

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