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People Think There are Grey Areas in Our Jurisdiction

Monday, April 19, 2021

The Indonesian Ombudsman finally intervened in the rice import polemic last March. Agency Chair Mokhammad Najih said the government’s planned rice import ahead of the prime harvest season had discomposed the public, particularly farmers, while in fact the import would not become necessary until May. Moreover, the agency also found maladministration in the policy making process. Najih added that the Ombudsman had strengthened its role in helping improve the public service quality. In addition to following through with public reports and complaints, it will continue to enhance oversight of the ministries and state agencies. The focus of the watchdogs’ new board will be on economic development issues and their impact on public services. Najih also highlighted the need to expand his agency’s authority.

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Chairman of the Indonesian Ombudsman Mokh. Najih during an interview with Tempo at the Ombudsman Office, Jakarta, April 8. Tempo/Tony Hartawan . tempo : 172206592935.

BARELY two months after his appointment, the new chief of the Indonesian Ombudsman found himself in the middle of the rice import controversy last March. The government’s announcement of its plan to import one million tons of rice ahead of the major harvest season triggered public debates and disquiet especially among farmers who worried that the import would cause the paddy prices to plummet.

The Ombudsman finally stepped in particularly


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