Jiwasraya Supervisor's Fear
Monday, March 1, 2021
The Attorney General's Office still has not named any new suspect in the Asuransi Jiwasraya investment funds scandal. For quite a while now, the Financial Services Authority has detected foul play in Jiwasraya's asset placement, but no firm action was ever taken.
arsip tempo : 174318082168.

AT the end of 2016, Sujanto, the Investment Management Director of the Financial Services Authority’s (OJK) Capital Market Supervision Department, took a call from an unlisted number. The man on the other end of the line introduced himself as Erry Firmansyah, former chief executive officer (CEO) of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).
Erry said he had just spoken to Sujanto’s boss: Fakhri Hilmi, the OJK’s head of capital market
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