In the wake of events in Africa and the Balkans, Indonesia is the newcomer in the manufacture of refugees. Due to the outbreak of ethnic, religious and political conflict, in Aceh, Timor, Manado, Maluku and Sambas, almost a million refugees now live in misery and abject poverty. Besides a lack of funds, it is plainly obvious that the Indonesian government lacks the necessary experience needed to assist them.
. tempo : 173465133197.
The following gloomy story was collected from a number of regions by TEMPO’s Setiyardi, Gita W. Laksmini, Zainal Bakri (Lhokseumawe), Kamal J. Farza (Banda-Aceh), Verrianto Modjawa (Manado), Frits Kerlely (Ambon), Bambang Soedjiartono (Medan), Edi Patebang (Pontianak), Darlis Muhammad (Palu), and was rewritten by Bina Bektiati.
The shrill wailing is somehow felt more intensely than heard and seems to reach far up into the sky over Haliwen
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