August 30, 2021 edition
Cover Story
The government is anticipating the impacts of Taliban’s return to rule Afghanistan on terror groups in Indonesia. The intelligence agency has been monitoring groups affiliated with Al Qaeda long since before the Taliban assumed power in Afghanistan. Jemaah Islamiyah’s sympathizers have also been apprehended by the Densus 88 counterterrorism squad.
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Afghan Immigrants in Citeko
Local Games, Global Quality
Market Pulse
Calculating the Risk of a Tantrum
National Police Chief Gen. Listyo Sigit Prabowo says that the police will first try mediation to resolve Electronic Information and Transactions Law violation cases. He advises investigators to distinguish between criticisms, hoaxes, libels or slanders and to process only cases that could not be settled through mediation.
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Vietnamese fishing boats poach fish in Malaysian and Indonesian waters not only because of dwindling stocks in their own country. This report is produced with a collaboration of journalists from Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, and the Philippines, with the support of the Environmental Reporting Collective.