There are tens of thousands of reports from the public on post-vaccine reactions, from dizziness, nausea, and even death. Despite failing to discover other possible causes, the government denied that these deaths are caused by the Covid-19 vaccine.
David Jenkins, the Australian journalist who was once barred from entering Indonesia in the New Order era, has launched his newest book Young Soeharto, The Making of a Soldier, 1921–1945. The book zooms in on Suharto’s childhood and teenage years, and then explores his early career in the Dutch army and the Japanese police. It reveals many new facts.
Speculations surrounding security issues in Papua has not dampened the confidence of Yunus Wonda, Executive Chair of the Papua 20th National Sports Week (PON) Committee. He is optimistic that with the support of the Papuan people and the military and the police combined, the quadrennial sports festival will proceed smoothly and safely.
TRAFFIC in Liang Anggang subdistrict, Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan, is shrouded in thick smog from land fires on Tuesday, September 21. Strong winds swiftly exacerbated the fire which engulfed dozens of hectares of land in the area. The Banjarbaru Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency together with Banjarmasin City fire volunteers are deployed to prevent the fire from reaching residential areas. Antara/Bayu Pratama S
This year, Indonesia and India mark 75 years of diplomatic relations. However, the ties between the two nations have existed much longer, predating the establishment of the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of India. These connections span social, cultural, religious, economic, and trade aspects. But do those close ties of the past have any bearing on the present relationship? Why is there no direct flight between the capitals of the two countries?
Indian Ambassador to Indonesia and Timor-Leste, Sandeep Chakravorty, shares his views on this matter at TEMPO TALKS.
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