In the aftermath of the sanctions issued by the World Anti-Doping Agency, the Indonesian team which won the Thomas Cup had to stand on the podium without the Red and White national flag. But thanks to the quick lobbying of PBSI Chief Agung Firman Sampurna, the national anthem Indonesia Raya could be played during the trophy presentation ceremony in Denmark.
UNESCO in February 2019 declared that some 2,500 languages in the world are under threat of extinction, hundreds of which are ethnic languages in Indonesia. In the last 30 years, 200 languages have become extinct. Some 3,000 local languages are on the brink of disappearing by the end of this century. The Language Development Agency is continuing its efforts to revitalize local languages by composing dictionaries, while organizing script systems and teaching materials. Tempo publishes this report to celebrate October, the Language and Literature Month.
AN aerial photo showing an illegal crude oil refinery being demolished by heavy equipment in Muarojambi, Jambi, Tuesday, October 19. The illegal refinery, which was burned down the day before, is closed by the police for further investigation. Antara/Wahdi Septiawan
This year, Indonesia and India mark 75 years of diplomatic relations. However, the ties between the two nations have existed much longer, predating the establishment of the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of India. These connections span social, cultural, religious, economic, and trade aspects. But do those close ties of the past have any bearing on the present relationship? Why is there no direct flight between the capitals of the two countries?
Indian Ambassador to Indonesia and Timor-Leste, Sandeep Chakravorty, shares his views on this matter at TEMPO TALKS.
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