Dody Hidayat manages multiple sections in Majalah Tempo: science and technology, environment, digital, and sport.
He joined Tempo in 2001 and helped compose the ‘science and technology encyclopedia’ and the ‘popular knowledge encyclopedia.’
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Dody Hidayat manages multiple sections in Majalah Tempo: science and technology, environment, digital, and sport.
He joined Tempo in 2001 and helped compose the ‘science and technology encyclopedia’ and the ‘popular knowledge encyclopedia.’
The government is drafting regulations for the restoration of conservation areas by private entities, non-governmental organizations, or local communities. Carbon trading could be a business option.
Indonesia’s delegation at COP16 CBD in Cali, Colombia, is not led by a minister. Biodiversity funding is at risk of not being agreed upon.
The Melemba ethnic group in Ende, East Nusa Tenggara, contributes to conserving the habitat of the Flores eagle. It is part of the indigenous community’s wisdom.
BRIN is designing the Peluit-40 nuclear reactor to replace diesel power plants, claiming it to be safer.
The government targets its first nuclear power plant, or PLTN, to be operational by 2033, leaving little time for preparation.
Five Irrawaddy dolphins were found death in the Mahakam River in the second half of 2024. Three carcasses were discovered in the conservation zone of Mahakam waters.
BRIN and Griffith University scientists found cave paintings in Leang, South Sulawesi, believed to be the oldest in the world.
Invasive alien plant species are infesting many national parks in Indonesia. There is no comprehensive solution yet.
Marine debris from Jakarta Bay drifts far across the continent to the eastern coast of Africa.
Satellite-based trackers prove that plastic waste from Cisadane reaches as far as Africa. It is sea pollution that spans across oceans.
The world’s first embryo transfer was successfully performed on an African white rhino, renewing hope for the Sumatran rhino.
The exact number of dugongs living in Indonesia is not known. Their numbers continue to decline due to the destruction of seagrass beds.
Industries in Jakarta and its surroundings should be equipped with scrubbers to control air pollution.
The National Genome Center set up in 2018 is gone. Does it change into the Biomedical and Genome Science Initiative of the Health Ministry?
Researchers discover a large population of Peleng tarsiers. They are found in secondary forests, plantation forests, and even mixed plantations.
Boasting the largest bandwidth capacity in Asia, the Satria-1 satellite took to the skies. It will provide fast Internet access in remote regions.
Nearly every waste dump is over-capacity. Technology alone is not enough.
Surya Satellite-1 is the first cube satellite built by Indonesian students. It is also the first in orbit.
The United Nations Biodiversity Conference COP 15 in Montreal, Canada, may fail to result in a global agreement. What are its targets?
Khaidir Rahman once returned the letter of his appointment as a school principal to the Education Office. For him, teachers are like actors whom students look up to as role models.
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