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Menjadi wartawan Tempo sejak 2017 dan meliput isu perkotaan hingga kriminalitas. Alumni Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) bidang jurnalistik. Mengikuti program Executive Leadership Program yang diselenggarakan Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) Asia pada 2023.


Illustration by TEMPO/Kendra Paramita
Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi gives a statement after being questioned as a witness by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) at the KPK Anti-Corruption Education Center, Jakarta, July 26, 2023. The questioning was related to a bribery case involving railway project procurement and maintenance in South Sulawesi, Central Java, West Java, and Sumatra from 2018 to 2022 at the Directorate-General of Railways of the Ministry of Transportation.
TEMPO/M Taufan Rengganis
Assistant Attorney General for Special Crimes Febrie Adriansyah during a press conference to present the results of the state loss assessments in the case of Timah, at Attorney General’s Office, Jakarta, May 29.
TEMPO/Febri Angga Palguna
Syahrul Yasin Limpo (left), defendant of extortion and graft case at the Ministry of Agriculture talking to his lawyer before attending a hearing at the Corruption Court, Jakarta, May 15.
ANTARA/Akbar Nugroho Gumay
Founder of Digital Forensic Indonesia (DFI), Ruby Alamsyah, showing one of his self-assembled open source IMSI-catchers, May 2.
TEMPO/Lani Diana
Robert Bonosusatya after being questioned as a witness at the Attorney General’s Office, Jakarta, April 1.
Kumparan/Thomas Bosco
Director of Investigation of the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes, Kuntadi, gives a statement on the Timah graft case at the Attorney General’s Office, Jakarta, April 1.
TEMPO/Febri Angga Palguna
Illustration by TEMPO/Kendra Paramita
Rabithah Alawiyah General Chairperson, Taufiq bin Abdul Qadir bin Hussein Assegaf or Habib Taufiq at his home in Pasuruan City, East Java, March 29.
TEMPO/Hanaa Septiana
Husni Az-Zaky, the lawyer of Sinar Harapan Bangsa commissioner Enik Rutita alias Enik Waldkönig. 
Personal Doc.
The verdict hearing on alleged criminal acts related to the addition of data to the Permanent Voter List (DPT) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, at the Central Jakarta District Court, Jakarta, March 21. The panel of judges sentenced seven defendants, namely Umar Faruk, Tita Oktavia Cahya Rahayu, Dicky Saputra, Aprijon, Puji Sumarsono, A Khalil, and Masduki Khamdan Muchamad, to four months in prison and a fine of Rp5 million with a one-year probation period.
ANTARA/Aprillio Akbar
Soekarno-Hatta Airport Police present the evidence of an international network involved in the sale of pornographic videos of underage children, February 24. 
TEMPO/Ayu Cipta
Juniver Girsang in Jakarta, October 25, 2022. 
ANTARA/Putu Indah Savitri
Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan at the State Palace, Jakarta, January 9. 
ANTARA/Sigid Kurniawan
Fithriadi Muslim
A resident takes a break at low-rise apartment Kampung Susun Bayam (KSB), North Jakarta, January 22, 2023. The KSB residents are those who have been displaced from their old homes to make way for the construction of Jakarta International Stadium (JIS). The poster says “Stop Intimidation against Us, Bayam Village’s Farming Group”
TEMPO/Hilman Fathurrahman W

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