Memulai karier di Tempo sebagai koresponden Surabaya. Alumnus hubungan internasional Universitas Gadjah Mada ini menjadi penanggung jawab rubrik Wawancara dan Investigasi. Ia pernah meraih Anugerah Adiwarta 2011 dan 2102.


General (Ret.) Endriartono Sutarto during an interview with Tempo at his residence in Cijantung, Jakarta, March 17, 2025. Tempo/Tony Hartawan
Chairperson of the Indonesian Press Council for the 2022-2025 period Ninik Rahayu during an interview with Tempo at the Press Council Building, Jakarta, February 14, 2025. Tempo/Ilham Balindra
Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN), Nusron Wahid, during an interview with Tempo at the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Office, South Jakarta, Wednesday, February 12, 2025. Tempo/Martin Yogi Pardamean
Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf at his office in Jakarta, January 30. 
Tempo/M Taufan Rengganis
Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) Arifah Fauzi during an interview with Tempo at the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Office, Jakarta, January 13, 2025. Temp/Ilham Balindra
Minister of Primary and Secondary Education Abdul Mu'ti during an interview with Tempo at his office in Jakarta, December 18, 2024. Tempo/Martin Yogi Pardamean
Actor Fedi Nuril in an interview with Tempo in Jakarta, Monday, December 16, 2024. TEMPO/Tony Hartawan
From left, Rimawan Pradiptyo, Sulistyowati Irianto, Susi Dwi Harijanti, and Harkristuti Harkrisnowo. Photo by Berto Wedhatama, Private Doc., TEMPO/Prima Mulia, TEMPO/M Taufan Rengganis
Minister of Law, Supratman Andi Agtas, during an interview with Tempo at the Law Ministry Office, Jakarta, Thursday, December 5, 2024. TEMPO/Tony Hartawan
Minister of Housing and Settlement Maruarar Sirait at his office, Jakarta, Monday, November 25, 2024. TEMPO/Subekti
Owner and founder of the Agung Sedayu Group property developer, Sugianto Kusuma, aka Aguan, during an interview with Tempo at PIK 2 Market Gallery, Jakarta, Tuesday, November 26, 2024. TEMPO/Tony Hartawan
Minister of Immigration and Correctional Services, Agus Andrianto during a photo session after an interview with Tempo at the Ministry of Immigration and Correctional Services Office in Jakarta, Friday, November 22, 2024. TEMPO/Tony Hartawan
Head of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Dwikorita Karnawati poses at the BMKG Headquarters in Jakarta, Wednesday, November 20, 2024. TEMPO/Tony Hartawan
Chair of the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) Atnike Nova Sigiro poses at the Komnas HAM Office, Menteng, Jakarta, Friday, November 1, 2024. TEMPO/Martin Yogi Pardamean
Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology Satryo Soemantri Brodjonegoro poses after an interview with Tempo at the Office of the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Jakarta, Wednesday, October 30, 2024. TEMPO/Tony Hartawan
Judicial Commission (KY) Chair Amzulian Rifai poses after an interview with Tempo, Thursday, October 31, 2024. TEMPO/Ilham Balindra
Luluk Nur Hamidah, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, Tri Rismaharini. TEMPO/Tony Hartawan, documentation of the Social Affairs Ministry.
Acting Chair of the Election Commission (KPU) Mochamad Afifuddin at the KPU Office, Jakarta, Monday, September 30, 2024. TEMPO/Subekti
Fishing boats docked around the Sodoha fish auction place (TPI) in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, September 15, 2024.
ANTARA/Andry Denisah

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