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Suspected Cosmetic Ingredients in our Bread
The Danger of Police Generals as Anti-Corruption Commissioners
What Next After the Dissolution of Jamaah Islamiyah
Why We Need the Great Critics Council
Army personnel during an exercise of the IV/Diponegoro Military Region Command at Jalan Pahlawan, Semarang, Central Java, July 5.
ANTARA/Makna Zaezar
Poor Regulations and the Collapse of the Textile Industry
Suffering Because of the National Capital
Indonesia: The World’s Open Narcotics Market
Making Money from the Special Haj
The Wrong Way to Draw up a Budget
Empty Promises about Water Management
The Craze for Bogus Professorships
The Pseudo-Nationalism of Import Regulations
The Negative Impacts of Prosecuting Business Decisions
More Brutality from the Security Forces
A Strike at the Heart of Our National Data

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