
Several heavy machinery are compacting the land for the construction of four sample housing units for the relocation of residents affected by the initial phase of the Rempang Eco-City project, March 19. These sample houses are located in Tanjung Banun village, Rempang Island, Batam, Riau Islands.
TEMPO/Yogi Eka Sahputra
Munsa shows a spear to hunt dugongs at his house on Air Glubi Island, Bintan, Riau Islands, October 19. 
Tempo/Yogi Eka Sahputra
Logomas Utama’s sea sand mining operation in the northern waters of Rupat Island is blamed for exacerbating the damage to coastal ecosystems and abrasion on Babi Island, January 18. 
Tempo/Robby Bachtiar
The mangrove forest area around the Pengabu tributary being reclaimed for a residential housing development, in Tembesi village, Batam, Riau Islands, November 21.
Tempo/Yogi Eka Sahputra
A Vietnamese fisherman shows a trawl net used to catch fish in the North Natuna Sea.
TEMPO/Yogi Eka Sahputra

Coral Destruction by Trawler Ships

Vietnamese fishing boats are poaching fish in the North Natuna Sea by using pair trawls that damage coral reefs. Natuna fishermen are forced to go fishing longer and farther. This article on the impact of coral reef damage in the North Natuna Sea is supported by the Environmental Justice Foundation.

Environment Edisi : Monday, January 3, 2022

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