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Bracing for Inflation

Monday, September 12, 2022

President Joko Widodo is using all means to mitigate inflation after an increase in fuel prices. The regions are setting aside some of their general allocation fund and contingency fund for social assistance and subsidy.

arsip tempo : 172206668838.

A worker changes the price board in shortly before the fuel price hike in Jakarta, September 3. President Joko Widodo announced price increases for Pertalite gasoline from Rp7,650 per liter to Rp10,000, diesel fuel from Rp5,150 to Rp6,800, and Pertamax from Rp12,500 to Rp14,500. ANTARA PHOTO/Galih Pradipta . tempo : 172206668838.

A WEST Java Regional Council plenary hearing in Bandung on the afternoon of Monday, September 5, had just been completed. West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil had already submitted a general budget policy (KUA) and a temporary budget ceiling priority (PPAS), which became the revised 2022 Regional Budget.

But an instruction from Jakarta arrived. President Joko Widodo instructed all regional heads to allocate two percent of their general allocation fun


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