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Banks’ Pledge for Green Financing

Monday, November 21, 2022

Banks are preparing disbursement plans and calculating the risk of green financing. It still needs plenty of adjustments.

arsip tempo : 172205250322.

Activists take part in a protest urging Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) to stop what organizers say is the continued funding of coal energy in Jakarta, July 5. REUTERS/Ajeng Dinar Ulfiana . tempo : 172205250322.

UNITED Overseas Bank Limited or UOB has set ambitious targets to support green financing in Southeast Asia. The Singapore-based bank aims to reach zero carbon emissions by 2050. “That is quite an ambitious target, but still realistic,” said UOB Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Wee Ee Cheong on Monday, 7 November.

To achieve this target, UOB disbursed 60 percent of loans to six sectors: electricity, electric vehicles,


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