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Will the Navy Claim the Top Spot?

Monday, November 28, 2022

Admiral Yudo Margono is reported to be the only Indonesian Military commander candidate submitted by President Jokowi. He has the support of Prabowo Subianto and Megawati Sukarnoputri.

arsip tempo : 172205241422.

TNI Commander Gen. Andika Perkasa (center front) with Navy Chief of Staff Adm. Yudo Margono (front right) on an amphibious tank after Andika Perkasa is inaugurated as an honorary member of the Marine Corps at Todak Beach, Dabo Singkep, Riau Islands, August 4. ANTARA FOTO/Teguh Prihatna . tempo : 172205241422.

ADMIRAL Yudo Margono’s preparation to become a candidate for commander of the Indonesian Military (TNI) could be seen from his activity over the past week. The Navy chief of staff held several meetings to design material that he will present during a fit-and-proper test with the Defense Affairs Commission at the House of Representatives (DPR).

Yudo discussed the concept of a vision and mission for a candidate for TNI commander as well as t


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