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Rice Mafia at the Tip of the Finger

Monday, January 30, 2023

Bulog alleges that the rice mafia is conducting price fixing, with major sellers determining prices amid short supply.

arsip tempo : 172205432545.

Workers pile up five-kilogram rice sacks, procured as part of the Food Supply and Price Stabilization Program (SPHP), at the National Logistics Agency’s (Bulog) warehouse in Meulaboh, Aceh, January 24. ANTARA/Syifa Yulinnas . tempo : 172205432545.

TO Ela, the five-kilogram rice in a yellow packaging was godsend at a time when the staple food’s price soared. Inside the package is medium-quality rice released by the state logistics agency Bulog for market operations at the end of December 2022. Ela bought it during a market operation held by the Cirebon City Regional Inflation Control Team near the Kanoman Market in Cirebon, West Java, on January 18. The price was Rp45,000 per pack, ar


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