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Cornered by Corruption

Monday, January 30, 2023

Some NasDem members consider the investigation into the BTS corruption case as a reprisal in the wake of Anies Baswedan’s presidential bid.

arsip tempo : 172206313364.

Communication and Informatics Minister Johnny G Plate (left) and House of Representatives (DPR) Commission I member Effendi Simbolon in a working meeting to discuss adjustments to the ministry’s 2023 work and budget plan at the DPR Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, September 21, 2022. Tempo/M Taufan Rengganis . tempo : 172206313364.

MEETING with some colleagues on the 20th floor of the NasDem Tower, Minister of Communication and Informatics Johnny Gerard Plate gave an explanation of the 4G base transceiver station (BTS) corruption case. The meeting at the office of National Democrat (NasDem) Party Deputy General Chairman Ahmad Ali was held a few days after the Attorney General’s Office (AGO) named three suspects in the case on Wednesday, January 4.

Ahmad Ali said he i


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