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We Must Go Digital If We Want Speedy Bureaucratic Reform

Monday, February 27, 2023

Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Minister Azwar Anas is pushing for digitalization of public services in the bureaucratic reform program.

arsip tempo : 172205146856.

Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Minister Azwar Anas during an interview with Tempo in Jakarta, February 1. Tempo/Tony Hartawan . tempo : 172205146856.

ADMINISTRATIVE and Bureaucratic Reform (PAN-RB) Minister Abdullah Azwar Anas likened himself to a soccer player entering the game in the second half. “Seventeen minutes into the play and got so much to do,” the former Banyuwangi regent told Abdul Manan and Iwan Kurniawan from Tempo on February 2.

Azwar was appointed PAN-RB minister on September 7, 2022 after the previous minister, Tjahjo Kumolo, passed away due to illness. Azwar has


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